Monday, November 17, 2008

Goodbye Blogger, We Hardly Knew Ye.

Well folks, after a few months of haranguing from Drew, I finally have switched over to Tumblr. Here is the new and improved So Picante Its Enfuego. I hope you love it as much as I do.

Once again, the address is:

Thank you Blogger for all the memories.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Video Blog # 1

So Picante It's Enfuego Video Blog Number 1 from Ian on Vimeo.

Hope you enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed making it!

Break Yo' Self Foo!

My new Nerf Mavericks have come in the mail. Today Drew and I had a savage Nerf battle in which we lost 2 darts. I'm glad I bought the 30 pack refill.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day/Grandpa Prebo's Birthday

Today is also my grandfather Prebo's birthday. He served in WWII. So he's double special today. I miss him loads.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Quick Reminder. . .


Steampunk. Yes, I said Steampunk.

I've always been a fan of science-fiction, and given my love for Post-Modernism I have a certain love for Sci-fi that combines the wonders of Jules Verne-esque technology with concepts of modern technology. An example of this would be a clock-work computer.

But Steampunk is more than just a sub-genre/off shoot of Cyberpunk. It is more than fiction like "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" or "Steamboy" or video games like Final "Fantasy VII" or "Bioshock." Steampunk has evolved into a large D.I.Y. fashion/gadget movement where people modify modern technological items to fit the Victorian/Edwardian aesthetic.

Recently I have revisited my childhood love of Nerf Guns, with this love I some-how have fallen down the rabbit hole of Steampunk. As I researched Nerf Guns I came upon more mods and finally the Steampunked Nerf Maverick. I was hooked.

Here are some examples of Steampunk Nerf and otherwise.

This item below is a Steampunk vaporizer. . .

A custom made Steampunk Computer.

And of course, a Steampunk Blue-tooth.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the Desert

I was bored and realized I have yet to put anything on Vimeo, so I put up this little tasty treat from film school. Not the best film ever, but it was one of the few that fit the size requirements. Sad times for my better art. Hope you enjoy. . . ish.

In the Desert from Ian on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nerf EBF-25

This new-ish gun by Nerf is either a single shot or fully auto weapon. It can be used with an ammo box or one can just leave the belt of ammo hanging out. At about 50 bucks it is a bit pricey but it also is the coolest Nerf gun ever. . .

with maybe the exception of the Arrowstorm. . .

The Stanislaus

I just ate the best sandwich of my life. It was amazing.

I don't know what to call it, So IT'S NAME SHALL BE:

A Stanislaus.

Olive oil (Fuck extra virgin, you want the sluttiest olive oil you can get)
1/3rd an onion
1 large slice of roast beef
2 slices of Organic and/or Spelt Bread
2 large dobs of Miracle Whip
1 large dob of Heinze Mustard
1 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 table spoon Molasses
1 table spoon white vinegar
1 table spoon red vinegar
1/4 cup West Seattle tap water
rock and fucking roll.

So basically what you do is chop up a quarter to a third onion. Put in a pan that you have salted and heated oil to medium heat. I used an electric stovetop so I had it on 7 to heat up. Throw in the onions and stir. pour a little more oil, maybe a tea spoon. Fill up water and put that in. Stir again. Pour in the white vinegar. Stir and let chill (as in cook at medium heat) for about 9-15 minutes. I can't remember how long, cause I was drunk. But you want the onions to stay crunchy, you know. . . meaty. . . More on this later.

After you let it chill for a little bit, add in the cayenne and molasses. Stir it up and turn the heat down a little and add the red vinegar (I went to about a 4 on the stove-top.) Let that simmer and cook for a while, maybe another 5 minutes or so, then turn the heat off and cover it. Go smoke a cigarette. After your smoke turn the heat on 3 and let simmer for a little while, still covered. Lay the mayo and mustard on the bread. I like to put half the mayo on one side, then put the mustard and rest of the mayo on the other slice of bread.

Turn the heat up to about 6 or 7, uncover the onions, and throw the roast beef on top of the onions. Let chill for a wee bit, to cook the beef a little. After this push the onions to one side and sear the roast beef, not too much though. I reccomend slicing the beef in half while you do this. Put the beef and awesome onions on the sandwich and then eat. Merry Christmas, you have a Stanislaus.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2 Things That Are Awesome:

Eating one's own amazing birthday cake while celebrating one's first presidential victory and drinking a large glass of milk.

Ordering 2 Nerf Mavericks for Drew and I. . . plus another 30 rounds.

P.S. The Watchmen is coming out.

Feel Better, Tylenol.

I'm glad my previous blog has been published. As Spike Lee said "This is non-fiction." Word. Edward James Olmos says "Stunning." I agree. I am glad to be an American. I am glad that American prove it will no longer stand upon the ignorance it was founded upon, but rather the highest ideals that all men, that all people, are created equal. And that we are all a part of history, that we can look back and see that the Dreams of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, and now all of America, have come true.

God Bless America, Nature Bless America, Vishnu, Yhwh, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh (Arabic: محمّد; Transliteration: Muḥammad, Jesus, and every living being that has ever lived a life!

Thank you everyone for making the right decision. We resoundingly have chosen democracy and we should all be proud. Even those who voted for McCain should be proud, if you examine John McCain's life he has consistently been a Great Man, and you voted for someone who was worthy of the presidency. Only that in this contest the better man won. And that is what democracy is all about.

God bless all of us. Everyone!

Dino Rossi is a smelly bitch.

I bet guys in their 60's want to nail Chris Gregoire.

Like my Dad. I bet he has the hots for Chris Gregoire.

The fucked up thing about this election is I wanted to nail (and still do) Sarah Palin. Cold weather equals awesome blow-jays.


Together, as ONE Washington, we will become a great economy, a Lean Clean Economy: Chrissy mo-fucking Gregoire. . .

As Christine Gregoire said: We are going to make the dreams of every child come through in the Great State of Washington. P.S. THE WORLD!

I have never hugged as many black people in my life as I have today. Score one for everyone who knows how to love!

Is Obama Black Irish? Get it? O'bama. . . I got nothing.

Election Night 2008

It has been over a month since I have blogged. I know, I've been busy. Tonight, more than any other night, I feel is the best night to jump back on the scene.

It is election night. 5:45 p.m. here on the West Coast. I'm excited. I'm nervous. I kinda have to poo, but can't pull myself from the T.V.

I went to the polls with Drew this morning, and watched as she voted then went down myself around 11:00 a.m. I wish I had something more poignant to say. I wish that I could make some speculation at this very moment that would sum up this election.

Right now the best I can muster is "I kinda have to poo." And that's how I feel about this election.

Go Obama!