Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm glad my previous blog has been published. As Spike Lee said "This is non-fiction." Word. Edward James Olmos says "Stunning." I agree. I am glad to be an American. I am glad that American prove it will no longer stand upon the ignorance it was founded upon, but rather the highest ideals that all men, that all people, are created equal. And that we are all a part of history, that we can look back and see that the Dreams of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, and now all of America, have come true.

God Bless America, Nature Bless America, Vishnu, Yhwh, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh (Arabic: محمّد; Transliteration: Muḥammad, Jesus, and every living being that has ever lived a life!

Thank you everyone for making the right decision. We resoundingly have chosen democracy and we should all be proud. Even those who voted for McCain should be proud, if you examine John McCain's life he has consistently been a Great Man, and you voted for someone who was worthy of the presidency. Only that in this contest the better man won. And that is what democracy is all about.

God bless all of us. Everyone!

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