Friday, November 7, 2008


Steampunk. Yes, I said Steampunk.

I've always been a fan of science-fiction, and given my love for Post-Modernism I have a certain love for Sci-fi that combines the wonders of Jules Verne-esque technology with concepts of modern technology. An example of this would be a clock-work computer.

But Steampunk is more than just a sub-genre/off shoot of Cyberpunk. It is more than fiction like "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" or "Steamboy" or video games like Final "Fantasy VII" or "Bioshock." Steampunk has evolved into a large D.I.Y. fashion/gadget movement where people modify modern technological items to fit the Victorian/Edwardian aesthetic.

Recently I have revisited my childhood love of Nerf Guns, with this love I some-how have fallen down the rabbit hole of Steampunk. As I researched Nerf Guns I came upon more mods and finally the Steampunked Nerf Maverick. I was hooked.

Here are some examples of Steampunk Nerf and otherwise.

This item below is a Steampunk vaporizer. . .

A custom made Steampunk Computer.

And of course, a Steampunk Blue-tooth.

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