Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Titles are Bourgeoisie

Sometimes when I update my status on Facebook I literally LoL. I fucking hate that term. Laugh out fucking loud. It's permeated our culture so much we can't even speak the queens fucking English if we wanted to. The only grammar I have to change is permeated(permiated) and capitalize "English."

I still laugh out loud when I change the fucking thing. I did this evening. I changed it to "Ian is the opposite of naI, who smells like farts and only eats Cheetoz." Even now when I write that I giggle.

I am extremely glad I am not typing this on a type writer. Sometimes I wish I was. . .

Had a good evening. Started out rough. Got better. Went to the Elephant and Castle and talked with Marc and Rose and Ryan, and one of the waitresses whose name I can never remember (that I think begins with "C" but not Rachel who was also serving whose name I sometime forget but not now so fuck yeah for me.)


After drinking and talking moved on to Dragon Fish [good spot] and we ate some killer chicken {of course had the calamari} and some Ahi rolls. Quite good. I drank some hot sake and some of Mark's beer when I had too much wasabi. Sometimes I think I talk like a robot.

That made me laugh.

[{{]{[]{][]{}[}]{] - robot code for "won't you take me to funky town?"
Robots are so silly.

Well, I lost my train of thought or motivation. Shit.

I'm just glad that the movie "Choke" is coming out. Fuck yeah. Sam Rockwell fucking Rocks. He's even in the film "Galaxy Quest," second only to "Fifth Element" as best cheesy sci-fi movie ever.

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