Pineapple Express
Holy flippin' crap, the action comedy is back with a vengeance.
I honestly did not expect much from this film. Yeah, I saw "Super Bad" and thought it was funny and "Knocked Up" I loved, but I didn't think that Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen could do it again. Why? One might ask.
First off, I didn't think that "Super Bad" was as funny as everyone else when I saw it in theaters. It was good, but not the funniest movie I have ever seen. Upon viewing it again, I like it more. Is it the best comedy ever? I wouldn't put my money on it.
Secondly, "Drill Bit Taylor." A prime example of a hit and miss comedy by Judd Apatow. Coming off this I was worried that "Pineapple Express" could very well go up in smoke (pun intended).
From the very first second of "Pineapple Express" I was laughing my jolly ass off. The film is not only a great "bro-mance" film, but there is a delicate balance of stoner humor, action, and morbid/violent humor that in it's very best moments reminded me of the "Marvin" scene in "Pulp Fiction."
Of all the Apatow films to date this one very well might knock "Knocked Up" from my number one rank. Of course to truely make that judgement I will have to watch it another 40 or 50 times. A grueling undertaking I am looking forward to.
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