Thursday, May 29, 2008

101st Post!

Well folks, I broke the triple digits on the blog posts and to celebrate I will first thank all you readers out there for supporting me in everything I write. I would like to thank Drew from One More Salute to Vanity for getting me into blogging in the first place. And, finally, I would like to thank Henry Miller, Robert Heinlien and Jack Kerouac for being great inspirations to a mediocre writer.

Last night was interesting. Sort of a mini-reunion of the 2007 class of SCCC film school. I was especially glad to see Marcus Curlee, who threw the event as a fund raiser for his trip to China. Marcus and I were close in film school. We shared the same opinion of many films and often had great discussions about films we had recently seen.

We made a short film called "Pictures" that was an amazing piece, but in the process of making the film we lost sight of many things and had a falling out. Now, almost a year later to the day Marcus and I had our first real pow-wow over the events and everything else that had happened in film school. Needless to say there was many apologies, especially from yours truly, and forgiveness all around for any past transgressions. It was cathartic to say the least.

Afterwards we had an in depth discussion on "The Darjeeling Limited" Wes Anderson's most recent film. We both agreed it was a great film, but had different experiences when we saw it in theaters. He saw it opening day, so he missed "The Hotel Chevalier" which I saw preceding the film because I saw it the second week of release. We concurred that this would dramatically change the viewers experience, essentially making it a very different film.

It was good to have a talk like this again, with someone whose opinion of film I so deeply admire.

But I digress. After many a beer and good chat with people I had spent two harrowing years of my life with I was off to West Seattle. But in those few hours I received a new vitality, and have been given a boon of inspiration.

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