Sunday, February 24, 2008

Poetry on the Bus part 2

Two Haikus and one Free Verse:

Day Job
In the morning time
I catch two busses to go
To a job I love

Night Job
In the evening
I catch one bus to go
To a job I hate

No Name # 63
7:10am at the corner
of 3rd and Jefferson
Thick, black clad Adidas
woman shambles by
My chariot lurches
and continues onward
the faces I see change
from Monday to Monday
but I am the same

7:12am at the corner
of 3rd and Main St
an out of service
Community Transit
purrs to a stop
I am reminded of
early morning coffees
outside Amazon offices
with her.

There you go, another entry in "Preebz's Poetry on the Bus." Hope you enjoyed it.

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