Friday, February 29, 2008

Last Day of February First Day of Rock

Alright folk, it being the 29th of February and therefore a leap year, I thought I would blog about some bullshit and generally make an ass out of myself. But, dear readers, what do I blog about? Well, I guess for now I will just give you one of my many awesome updates.

First of all, I have beaten Halo 2 in about 4 days of play, and lost much sleep in the process. Last night I kicked it with my buddy Alex, who I haven't seen in at least 8 or 9 months. We played more Halo 2 and generally killed Brute, Flood, and Covenant alike.

Secondly, I enjoy my new job immensly. Because of said job, I plan on getting my driver's liscence (finally) so that I can work more. I have another shoot for SCCtv coming up and am stoked about that as well.

Lastly, I am awesome. That is all for now.


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