Friday, December 21, 2007

Tea Parties and Crumpets!

As promised, ladies and gents. A little tea for you? I'd like some, because I'm Winston Churchill. Some Crumpets maybe? I'm having Crumpets, because I'm Winston Churchill. (From the Play "Winston Churchill We Hardly Knew Ye" by Peter Griffin)

An excellent play, really. I went and saw it at the 5th Avenue Theater with it's off-off Broadway Cast. Really well put together, and great production values.

Now let's venture into a more serious discussion on Tea and Tea's tasty little buddy: Crumpet. Crumpet is a cool guy and gets along with everybody. Tea and Milk, they sometimes don't get along, especially when lady Lemon is around. Crumpet makes friends with everybody. One day I saw Crumpet hangging out with Spinach and Ham and Goat Cheese. What a bunch of kooky guys they be! Later in the day, Crumpet was on the south side with Nutella. That guy is everywhere. Tea, well even though he don't get along with everybody he and Crumpet are still best buddies. Word to YOUR Mother.

The Crumpet is defined as: a savoury snack made from flour and yeast. It is eaten mainly in the United Kingdom, but also in the nations of the Commonwealth.Wiki et al.

And indeed it is a savory snack. The buttery cake is believed to have been Celtic in origin. The are usually round, have a spongy texture and are generally bland without a topping. Usual toppings include: butter, honey, jam, marmalade, nutella, peanut butter, cow feces, lox and cream cheese, and ham and cheddar.

Most often it is served with teas, many times during "high tea" which is pretty sweet.

Later, I will speak of a time I went to a Crumpet Shop! Joy to the World.

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