Friday, December 21, 2007

Holy Shit the World is gonna end.

One of my friends that has been in my life for ages is back in Seattle right now. Being that said friend is a secretive person the name will not be disclosed, to keep this human being happy. Anyways, person-x is in town and has somehow lit a fire under my ass. Not only a fire, but a fire by friction. Please refrain from the gay jokes.

What I mean is: I am completely unable to (at this current juncture) live in harmony with nature. This may sound strange, especially from this quasi-tech-savvy (what a hyphen combo) blogger. But, much to the chagrin of my sweet lady and to you countless readers, I have an avid and growing interest both in survival skills and tracking. X (as I will call them from this point on) was the person who first sparked my interest in these subjects.

X came back to Seattle a few years ago after many a month spent in a tree sit and told me about this wonderful author I should check out. Tom Brown Jr. At the time I was like "Yeah, sure I'll check him out. . . Hippy." And so for a few months I laughed at X's obsession with end of the world prophecies and almost supernatural stories of wilderness skill.

The one that most fascinated and terrified him was called the "Red Skies Prophecy." Well time went on and I warmed up to the idea of scout skills and tracking as I saw the physical and mental development of X. I read a few books and started considering taking a class or two at the Tracker School.

And finally, I recently became acquainted with these four major prophecies of Stalking Wolf, the man Tom Brown called Grandfather. As two of the four prophecies have come true, and I have been low on the "spiritual batteries" have been low, I have decided to devote much more of my time into a pure and simple, if time consuming, pursuit. To learn all that I can about tracking and survival, and if I can help stop the last two prophecies. I only hope that if the Red Skies come I will be prepared to walk as a child of the Earth; that I can feel the Spirit-That-Walks-Through-All.

I know, at first I thought it was crazy too, but take heed. Humans are destroying the earth. Read the text, and take it in. I only wish the people I loved would prepare themselves better.
Tomorrow's agenda: Dirt Time.

Next blog: tea parties and crumpets. Peace out.

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