Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's so good? is that the word? to be back. . .

Today I finally received some hours at my internship (hooray!) at SCCtv. The first day back was pretty typical. It included poor direction and a general sense of panic.

I set up and worked camera for an in studio (and what felt impromptu) shoot. Oh the joys of community college television.

When I first signed up I thought "Oh fuck, SCCtv. Piece of cake." Now after having officially interned there for 6 months and only having complete 89 hours I can look back and say "You are an idiot." The lesson learned: easier is not always easier in the end.

So, that being said I joyously look forward to tomorrow's shoot in which I am (gasp) a floor director. I have no idea what I am going to do. Look out world, here I come.

On another note, Drew, from OMSTV, and I talked about our upcoming film project about gay parenting. More on that later. Now, back to Tom in the studio.

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