Friday, December 7, 2007

Early Morning and Possible Emmys

Worked my second day back at SCCtv yesterday and it was awesome. We went down to the Seattle Public School's studio (a moderately sized television studio with decent equipement) and filmed a music show for kids.

I reaffirmed my love for media production. The show was talented kids playing music and a studio audience of more children talking about how the music made them feel and what it reminded them of. Pretty sweet if you ask me.

The kids that played, Jeong (17), Sun (12) and Alex (7), were incredibly talented pianists who were adorable. Jeong cracked me up because she was soooo timid, but the second she started to play she would go crazy at the piano. And Alex, he was brilliant and the best part was (besides the Mozart he played) was that he needed a special peddle box to reach the peddles. A-fucking-dorable.

On the shoot I was the floor director. Essentially the t.v. version of an assistant director. I have never done this job outside of a classroom setting and was nervous as hell. Thankfully my ability to "man up" to the situation kicked in and I nailed it. At the end of the day I had the satisfaction of a job well done.

I may have to rethink my opinions on SCCtv, as this was a great experience and a wonderful opportunity. Plus, the show is getting put in for Emmy nomination. Cross your fingers, fine readers, that yours truly (or rather the show I worked on) gets the Emmy. That would be fucking sweet.

Afterwards Drew and I went to a event for Arcade Magazine, and was also a part of One Pot. Met (very briefly) Michael Hebberoy, who seems like a cool guy, and he is doing some cool things around the world, so. . . respect.

The event was an annual event for architecture, and Drew got some sweet pictures, and I'm sure she will blog all about it and post said pictures some time this week.

The exhibits were rad, including a scale model of the downtown area, the space needle, and a napkin exhibit (which designers had drawn on) called "The Napkin Project." My favorite, however, was the original rendering of the Space Needle painted in 1957. All in all it was a great event, especially because drinks were only a dollar and tthat was just to support Arcade.

Well, gotta get back to watching Jay-Z on MTV. My life is now complete.

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