Tuesday, December 4, 2007


That's right December starts everyone's favorite time of the year. No, I'm not talking about the Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Whatever holidays. I'm talking about national Gangster Like a Mother Fucker month.

While many lay people are unaware of this odious month that celebrates everything gangster, it does, good readers, exist.

How does one celebrate GLAMF? One might ask. That is where I come in, as your official gangster-ass liaison to the wonderful and uncelebrated Gangster Like a Mother Fucker month.

A photo of my "hommie" Aaron actin' a fool.

So, here is a list of ten things you can do to celebrate GLAMF!

1) Get your Crunk on.

2) Slap a bitch who don't give you yo' motha fuckin' money!

3) Get a sick ass Grill.

4) Go Bombing and put up a sick ass piece.

5) Get a Gat, Strap, or Heater and cap a fool.

6) Slang some Crack, Weed, or Coke.

7) Pimp your Ride.

8) Bust a sick Flow. (You can also remix an old school hit)

9) Run a Hustle.

10) Get locked up.

Now that you are armed with a knowledge of GLAMF (as well as a Glock 17 with a 15 round clip) and what to do go out and wreck some shit and enjoy December's most unrecognized celebration of everything gangster.

1 comment:

Drew said...

Don't forget to Ghost Ride the Whip!

