Monday, December 3, 2007

Blah Blah Blah Hampster

I have to go to work at the Lyon Rouge, as I call it, or the Red Lion for all you other folks out there. I hate it. I have not much to blog about, but I figured I would try to keep up in spirit of the recently ending NabloPomo. I thought about encouraging my gay friends to start a national gay blog month called NabloHomo. I think that it would sweep the blogging community like Cinderella before she went a-golddiggin'.

I have finished half of my X-Mas shopping and already feel less than half the holiday stress. I have been looking for rad presents for Drew, but so far I have only purchased one. . . in which she had to open now. "Christmas is too far away!" was her complaint. Hopefully she will forget what the present is, but not likely. Luckily I have been good at purchasing the lady good presents so far.

Next in my day: shower and go to work. Good bye lovely non-existent readers.

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