Friday, February 23, 2007

An Open Letter to my Blog

Dear So Picante It's Enfuego,

I love you. I love having you around, and while I have been neglecting you, I want you to know we are friends and always will be. That being said, I am tired of posting in open letters. I know it may be cute and a little cheeky, but I can not allow myself to continue.

I am not saying that no more posts will be open letters, just that I have become bored with the format. It seemed so fresh and new, the way we interacted, but now. . . it has become old, tired, lame.

I will still post on you, baby, but I need some change. Think of this as a new step in our relationship. At first we started out just making out, and then we moved on to missionary. And, for a while, that was nice. But now I want to stick it in your proverbial butt. I love you baby, now bend over.

Yours Truly,

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