Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Life, the Universe, and Everything

I've been really busy. Really, really, really, fucking busy. I'm working 40+ hours for my job coach job and still working at the hotel, plus I've got a videography gig. Pretty sweet, except the lack of sleep.

So what else has been happening in my life? One might ask. I don't know. When I try to think about what I've been doing I draw a big fat blank. I feel like I'm entirely comprised of work and sleep with booze playing a delicate balancing act.

But then, slowly I realize that I'm still doing all the awesome shit that I usually do. I went to the Sub-Pop 20th anniversary comedy show with my friend Maggie Battles on Friday the 11th followed. I'll back post about it. Hopefully. . . after that Battles and I went to The Elephant and Castle and I got drunk as shit on my buddy Mark's last day of work. Thanks again for the free booze MTJ.

What else? I went to Salmon La Sac and had a usual grand time, with highlights of breaking up a teenie-bopper fight, playing copious amounts of music, and drinking cold beer in 103 degree weather. Joy of Joys.

I've been reading a lot, and will post all about those books, in usual "So Picante Its Enfuego" style. But, for the time being I will be happy and tired and busy. . . and sometimes a little drunk.

1 comment:

the_dutch said...

hey we were at the SP20 comedy show too.

Brunch at 10 this Saturday. Bring Lady in The Water and my comics. Others are queuing up to borrow Watchmen.