Good Morning!
Good Morning!
Last night I had a shit-ton of fun (more than a butt-load) kicking it with Randal, Mark, Dustin, Allie, and a new Seattle resident named Katrina.
I got off work and popped into the E and C to have my usual after work beer, when I ran into Mark another West Seattle local and Elephant and Castle bartender. We headed out to the patio and exchanged jokes and our usual homo-erotic jokes about our beards. (Note: We didn't start the fire)
After a little bit Allie (a friend of Mark's and West Seattle local) and Dustin (good humored gent) showed up. We ate pretzels and continued with the jibes. The pretzels were good, the jokes were bad, and the beer was cold. It felt good.
Shortly after that Randal, an E and C regular and good friend of mine, showed up with recent Florida transplant Katrina. Katrina is thin, average height, and looks a little like Mischa Barton.
Katrina: You remind me of that one guy, from 'Along Came Polly'. . . you know. . .
Me: Not Ben Stiller. . .
Katrina: No, the guy that wants be be Judas. . .
Me: Phillip Seymour Hoffman? The guy that sharts himself?
Katrina: Yeah!
I was both amused and mildly insulted. But, at least it wasn't P.S.H. from "Happiness." The best part is that one of my secret dreams (not so secret now) is to play Judas in a production of "Jesus Christ Super Star."
I find it quite amusing when people first get to Seattle. I'm sure that everyone has a certain opinion of the Northwest; people are nice, the weather sucks, and life moves at a slower pace. For most of the rest of the Northwest this is true. But then you get to Seattle.
Sure, on the surface Seattle seems to have all the typical Northwestern milieu, but when you dig deeper you find a veritable nest of activity. We are loud and insulting, warm and teasing, we shout profanities and drink too much. For a long time I thought it was only me. . . but then, after combing bars upon bars, I found the underlying current. Maybe I just found my niche.
Those who gravitate to art and music, those who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, those who want to spit in life's eye and say "Fuck You! If you don't like it!" these people, these unwashed miscreants, are the true Seattle, they are the Seattle I love and the Seattle that I life in.
That being said Katrina, the Floridian transplant, got an ear, eye, and mouthful of the "True Seattle." She seemed nervous, at first, as though she was the butt of a joke she didn't quite grasp. But, our genuineness seemed to break through and soon enough she was having a blast.
After the Elephant and Castle Dustin, Allie, and I hopped in a cab back to West Seattle and headed over to the Junction. We kicked it for a bit, I played a little Johnny Cash and some Neutral Milk Hotel, and we chit-chatted about Heman. Then, it was off to the Poggie, for a few beers and some sweet Irish music.
I peace out a bit early to kick it with Drew. We drank some wine and watched "Waiting" which. . . has it's moments. I love the fact that it has John Francis Daley in it, from "Freaks and Geeks" fame.
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