The Unberible Tightness of Ian
I have been tracking lately, and one of the exercises I have been doing with Lil' Poot is laying down "lines." Essentially we go out to a wooded area (in this case the West Duwamish Greenbelt) and lay down a long set of tracks through an area. After this we come back on a later date to follow the tracks. So far Poot has been pretty successful in finding the lines I have left, with the exception of about two spots that threw him off.
I am still no where near where I want to be in my tracking skills, but I have seen noticeable improvement in my skills. One of the things that has helped me considerably is laying a track and then coming back after a time (a day, two days etc.) to see how the track has aged. It is interesting to see how time and weather affect each track in each terrain differently.
In other news I was in the Maha up on the hill and started chatting with this dude about wilderness and tracking. It turns out that he is an avid nature person and quite familiar with the Duwamish Greenbelt. After a chat I found out he also plays guitar, so when I have more free time we're going to jam and check out nature.
Later on that same night Thompson, a former employee of the Lion Rouge, met me at the Maha. After one drink and an appetizer he was hooked. Then we went back to his crib and drank some Joose, a highly alchoholic Malt beverage which is surprisingly tasty. Suffice to say I got a bit boozy and punched a hole in his bedroom door Jackass style.
After this I went and kicked it with his awesome neighbors, some 19 year old kids who love music. We jammed with me sining and playing guitar and this guy Tyler on electric piano. Then we had a dance party and listened to early Tom Waits. After a while the cops showed up and told us to keep it down. It now being 3 in the morning I decided to get home before I caused anymore trouble.
The next day I met up with Thompson to pay for his door. . . I'm not entirely irresponsible after all.
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