Toil and all that Jazz
Lately I've been feeling down. I'm sure that my previous post let all you illustrious readers in on that fact, but I would like to elaborate.
I no longer live with Drew of OMSTV, which is both good and bad. The good part being we both have space now, the bad being I miss her. . . and I had to move back in with the parents. Not at all awesome. Don't get me wrong, I have two of the most awesome parents anyone could ask for, but I still feel like a faliure.
A lot of the descision of moving out was made by me. I felt stuck and I didn't think that my living situation was helping me any. Not to say Drew isn't a super awesome person, but for right now it is for the better.
I've been thinking a lot about the people I have lost in the past year and that has me down as well. I miss my Grandfather, my Grandmother, BJ, and George, to name a few. Time does heal some of the pain of loosing them, but it creates some as well.
My whole crazyness has not helped either. Let's face it folks, this loveable blogger is a bit nuts. But then again, that's where I get some of my charm. I guess it is the whole artist conundrum. Let me stop before I get concieted.
I just feel beaten up by life. I thought that taking things slow for a while would help. It has not. If anything taking it slow has added to stress as opposed to relieving it. This fact stresses me out more.
So I am essentially where I was before. Depressed and living with my parents. At least I am alive.
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