Thursday, January 31, 2008

Last Day of January, First Day of Fuck Yeah!

(Note: Original Photograph for GLAMF!)

My parents just left for a week of fun in the sun with my last living grandparent, Grandma Prebo. They all got on the plane bright and early so I didn't wish them off, and besides that I was spending the night at Drew's (I love sleepovers!)

But, before my mother left last evening she had a surprise for me. A brand new cellular telephone. Granted I feel like a baby child because of my inablility to pay for my own phone at this current juncture, I do feel at least a little liberated as well. Now I am no longer super hard to get a hold of, which has it's positives and negatives. I also have to make sure my pay-as-you-go (yes, I am a gangster) contract is now cancelled.

I am now the person in charge of Casa Prebo and I think it's time to make some new rules:

1. Beer must be consumed at least one hour a day.

2. No puking except in the backyard or downstairs toilet.

3. All sexual contact must be approved by the Ian Prebo oversight committee where a non-biast judge (yours truely) will part take in said act so as to descern the nature and intent of the physical contact.

4. All sexual conduct (and mis-conduct) will be performed by one female who shall remain un-named. (You know who you are sweet cheeks.)

5. Masturbation shall take place only between the hours of Midnight and Midnight the following day.

6. Music must be played at a level so as to be annoying to all neighbors within a half mile radius.

7. No Skat play.

8. People named Andy Kaburka must remain in their home unless going to, at, or coming home from work.

9. There will be no parties, except the pants party, and you're invited.

10. I will blog about ascenine and inconsequential things, therefore making all readers laugh or pee.

Thems the new rules at the "House that Some Guy I Never Met Built" (also know as Chez Preebz). If you don't like those rules refer to rule number 7, as I do not want nor do I need any of your shit.

In more exciting news I have more hours for SCCtv which means I am not, after all, a complete faliure at life. Good news for Ian, bad news for pizza.

1 comment:

yourmama said...

Ah, shucks, you make me so proud.
yourpapa and I get dewey eyed reading your literary flatulence. Yoursista narcked you out.