A Pirate's Life for Me
I don't know much about technology. I am not one of those tech gurus that ponders the intricacies of the Helio or iPhone. I'm just not that guy.
That being said my girlfriend and author of One More Salute To Vanity is that girl.
Sometimes I feel as though I am a fraud of my generation, a neolithic throwback that has trouble checking his own damn email (not seriously, but you get the point).
The thing is that I have had this blog for the better part of a year now, and while I have neglected it to a fairly gargantuan degree I had always felt like a douche because I did not know how to put pictures in the blog.
As any post-modern male would do when in a bind, I asked my girlfriend. Her cutesie comments bordered on the "it's not that small" variety, but after minimal teasing we were off and a running. We celebrated over pita chips and hummus.
So, finally, almost eight months after its inception (and some good old fashioned cajoling) SPIE is going visual. Watch out internet watch dogs, I'm a cumming [sic] for you.
So, here you are ladies and gentle men, a photograph of me on one of my many exploits for the East Indica Trading Company.
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