Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Film Making is an Art best Served Pretentious.

The problem with Seattle Film making is that it is a small pond with fish who think they are big. You can only grow as big as your tank, and, let me tell you this my coy friends: We are all small fish. That being said, film making is an art. But lately I've been watching my peers create bourgeois "AHHHT" as I kindly refer to it.

I may not be the best film maker out there but I know what I like and it ain't what you're serving. Go ahead and make films that satisfy your ego and make you feel like a pretty little unique snowflake. I'm gonna go and make some real art and pee in your cereal.

So fuck you very much and have a nice day.

P.S. I shat in your cornflakes.

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